Growing up in Eastern Utah, I learned the values of hard work and community. That’s what drove me to become an electrician and a union member. I know that, when we work together, we are stronger. When our families are under threat, we have to work together to protect our values. That’s why I’m running: because I know that the families of House District 38 deserve someone who represents them, instead of someone who caters to far-right extremists.

I stand for House District 38

As your State Representative, I will:

  • Support Term Limits for State Politicians

  • New ideas and new opportunities to move the state forward not suppress the voters.

  • We serve the people, not ourselves.

  • Too many politicians like my opponent keep supporting the same thing year after year, never new creative problem solving ideas, just blind “yay” votes to their GOP colleagues and big $$$. STOP falling for their BS, get out and vote! Hold politicians accountable and stop settling.

  • If school children are going hungry & not being fed, politicians should lose their jobs.

  • Protect Women’s Rights and Support Access to Reproductive Healthcare

  • This isn’t The Handmaid’s Tale, this is real life.

  • The decision lies with the individual and their doctor, why is that so hard to understand?

  • Defend LGBTQ+ Utahns from far-right attacks

  • Equal means equal.

  • I know what it’s like to be treated unequal under Utah law as a father, I have witnessed first hand discrimination based on sex. I don’t want any person to not have equal rights, not feel loved for who they are, I want every person to have the same opportunities.

  • Support Unions and Union Families

  • Safe work environments for workers is the first thing I love about working for my union.

  • equal wages, equal opportunity, protections for Utah prevailing wage laws.

  • Hunting and fishing protections

  • Our Prime hunting lands are being sold off more and more.

  • “No Trespass” signs flood our mountains and streams that once provided prime hunt areas.

  • These lands are being sold to rich people and developers who grab voter’s attention that the federal government is responsible. It is the Utah Legislature and big $$$ taking away my rights, I want back our lands, I want to protect Utahn’s rights to fair access. Not some CWMU that private owners make big money off of.

  • Prevent “land locking” of public lands by private owners that provide hunting & fishing opportunities to Utah. How does an entity buy a section of Manti-La Sal National Forest where elk populations gather?

  • They tell you people are coming for your guns while taking away the very thing use safe gun owners have.

  • Bridges over roads not death intersections

  • Mountain View Corridor is a death trap for many people every year, so many loved ones gone because their life and safety wasn’t a priority.

  • Painted roads that you can actually see which lane you are in as a driver in all conditions.

  • Smooth regulated traffic lights, hold cities accountable too. Flow of traffic reduces travel time, gives drivers higher gas mileage, saves them money.

  • Mental health and reduction of road rage incidents from adequate bridges, not just adding lanes with constant construction, solves the actual problems.

  • Separation of Church and state as the US Constitution intended